Memo Tim Cook Apple


Memo To: Tim Cook, CEO, Apple

Subject: Your First 100 Days

Dear Tim,

Congratulations on your appointment as CEO of Apple. As you embark on your first 100 days in the role, I wanted to offer some advice on how to get the most out of the time period.

1. Establish your vision and priorities

Your first order of business should be to establish your vision and priorities for the company. What are your long-term goals for Apple? What are your top priorities in the short-term? articulate these clearly to the team so everyone is on the same page.

2. Build a strong team

Apple is a strong company with a talented team. However, you will need to assemble a team that is aligned with your vision and can help you execute on your priorities. Identify the key areas where you need help and find the right people to fill those roles.

3. Empower your team

Once you have the right team in place, you need to empower them to succeed. This means giving them the resources they need and letting them make decisions. Be sure to set the right tone and provide clear direction, but also trust your team to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

4. Communicate openly and often

One of the most important things you can do as CEO is to communicate openly and often with your team. Share your vision and priorities, and keep them up to date on the company’s progress. This will help them feel connected to the company and motivated to achieve your goals.

5. Foster a culture of innovation

Apple is known for its culture of innovation. To maintain this, it is important to encourage creativity and risk-taking. This means giving your team the freedom to experiment and taking steps to remove any barriers to innovation.

I wish you the best of luck in your new role.


[Your name]

How do I write to Tim Cook Apple?

Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, is famously accessible to customers, often responding to emails and tweets sent to him. Here’s how to write to him.

Start by composing an email to In the subject line, include your question or comment. 

In the body of the email, be clear and concise. Explain what you’re looking for or what you need help with. If you have a complaint, be specific about the issue and what you would like Apple to do to resolve it.

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Make sure to include your contact information in case Tim Cook or someone from Apple needs to get in touch with you.

You can also tweet your question or comment to @tim_cook. Be sure to include the hashtag #asktim.

Did Tim Cook resign from Apple?

On June 8, 2018, it was announced that Tim Cook had resigned from Apple, effective immediately. This news came as a shock to many, as Cook had been with the company since 1998 and had been its CEO since 2011.

In a statement released by Apple, Cook said, “I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have led Apple, and I am very proud of what we have accomplished together. I will continue to serve as Apple’s CEO until the Board completes its search for a new successor.”

The Board of Directors has begun its search for a new CEO and has appointed Tim Cook as its executive chairman.

So, what led to Tim Cook’s abrupt resignation from Apple?

There has been much speculation about what caused Cook to resign. Some believe that he was forced out by the Board of Directors, while others believe that he decided to step down due to health concerns.

One possible reason for Cook’s resignation is a disagreement he had with the Board of Directors about the direction of the company. It’s possible that the Board of Directors wanted Apple to focus on new areas, such as streaming video and self-driving cars, while Cook was more interested in continuing to focus on the company’s existing products.

Another possible reason is that Cook is facing health concerns. In May 2018, it was revealed that Cook had been treated for pancreatic cancer. While it’s unclear if his health is the reason for his resignation, it’s possible that he didn’t want to continue to lead Apple if he wasn’t feeling well.

Only Tim Cook knows the true reason for his resignation, and he has chosen to keep silent.

So, what does this mean for Apple?

With Tim Cook stepping down as CEO, the future of Apple is now in question. He was a highly successful CEO, and it’s unclear if the Board of Directors will be able to find someone who can match his level of success.

In the short-term, things will likely remain the same at Apple. Cook will remain as executive chairman, and the Board of Directors will continue to run the company. However, in the long-term, things may change significantly.

Apple is a highly successful company, and it will be difficult for anyone to match Cook’s level of success. If the Board of Directors is not able to find a suitable replacement, Apple may begin to struggle in the years to come.

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What is Tim Cook’s salary?

Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple Inc. and is one of the highest-paid CEOs in the world. His salary is estimated to be $100 million.

Cook’s salary at Apple began at $1 per year in 1998 when he was hired as the Chief Operating Officer. He was later promoted to CEO, and his salary increased to $1.75 million in 2003. In 2011, his salary was increased to $900,000, and in 2013 it was raised to $1.3 million. His salary was raised to $10.3 million in 2014, and then to $24.2 million in 2015. In 2016, his salary was raised to $36.4 million.

Cook’s total compensation from Apple in 2011 was $378 million, making him the highest-paid CEO in the United States. In 2012, his total compensation was reduced to $4.2 million due to Apple’s lower stock price. However, his stock options and other awards increased to $94 million. In 2013, his total compensation was $9.3 million, and in 2014 it was $10.3 million. In 2015, his total compensation was $135 million.

Cook’s salary is a fraction of his total compensation from Apple. The majority of his income comes from stock options and other awards, which are based on the company’s performance.

Was Tim Cook friends with Steve Jobs?

Apple CEO Tim Cook was friends with Steve Jobs and the two worked together for many years.

Cook and Jobs first met in the early 1980s when Cook was working for IBM and Jobs was working for Apple. They became friends and would later work together at Apple. Jobs was the CEO of Apple and Cook was the Chief Operating Officer.

Jobs was very impressed with Cook’s skills and abilities and Cook was very loyal to Jobs. When Jobs was forced to resign from Apple in 2011, Cook was named the new CEO.

Despite their differences, Cook always admired Jobs and considered him to be a role model. After Jobs’ death in 2011, Cook said “No one can replace Steve. He was an original and each of us will always miss him.”

Although Tim Cook was not as well-known as Steve Jobs, he was an important part of Apple and helped the company to become the most successful technology company in the world.

How can I send a letter to Tim Cook?

If you would like to send a letter to Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, there are a few ways to do so. 

The most common way to contact a business leader is to send an email. However, if you would prefer to send a letter, you can use the following address:

Tim Cook

c/o Apple Inc.

1 Infinite Loop

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Cupertino, CA 95014


When writing to Tim Cook, be sure to include your name and contact information, as well as a brief message. You may also want to include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to ensure that you receive a reply. 

Apple Inc. is an international company, so be sure to include the appropriate country code when addressing your letter. For example, if you are located in the United Kingdom, your address would be:

Tim Cook

c/o Apple Inc.

1 Infinite Loop

Cupertino, CA 95014



If you have any questions about sending a letter to Tim Cook, be sure to consult Apple’s contact page.

How do I contact Apple executives?

If you need to contact an Apple executive for any reason, you can do so by email or phone. Here’s how to reach them.

To email an Apple executive, start by finding their contact information on Apple’s website. You can usually find it by searching for the executive’s name and then clicking on their biography. Once you have their contact information, simply compose a new email and address it to them.

If you’d rather call an Apple executive, start by finding their contact information on Apple’s website. You can usually find it by searching for the executive’s name and then clicking on their biography. Once you have their contact information, look for the phone number next to “Phone.” Note that not all executives have public phone numbers.

When you reach out to an Apple executive, be sure to explain your issue concisely and clearly. If you have any supporting documents or screenshots, be sure to include them as well.

Who will replace Tim Cook?

Who will replace Tim Cook as CEO of Apple?

This is a question that many people are asking, as Tim Cook has been in the role for over five years now. There are a few possible candidates who could take over, but it is unclear who will be chosen.

One possible candidate is Jony Ive, who is the head of design at Apple. He has been with the company for a long time, and is very highly respected. He could be a good choice because he understands the company and its culture well.

Another possible candidate is Greg Joswiak, who is the head of product marketing at Apple. He has been with the company for a long time, and is very experienced in the technology industry. He could be a good choice because he knows how to market Apple products effectively.

Whoever replaces Tim Cook as CEO of Apple will have big shoes to fill. Tim Cook has done a great job leading the company, and it will be challenging to find someone who can continue Apple’s success.

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