Why Do Restaurants Serve Bread

Why Do Restaurants Serve Bread

Bread is a staple in most diets and is often one of the first things served in a restaurant. But why do restaurants serve bread? There are a few reasons. The most obvious reason is that bread is filling and can act as a palate cleanser between courses. It also provides a bit of sustenance …

Cooking With Flowers Recipe

Cooking With Flowers Recipe

Cooking with flowers is a fun and unique way to add flavor and color to your meals. While the flavor of most flowers is not very strong, they can add a subtle flavor and beautiful color to your food. Here are a few of our favorite cooking with flowers recipes. Pansy Pancakes Ingredients 1 cup …

How To Cook Puffball Mushroom

How To Cook Puffball Mushroom

Puffball mushrooms (Calvatia gigantea) are a type of edible mushroom that are easy to identify and cook. They have a round, white or light brown cap and a white, cord-like stem. Puffball mushrooms are most commonly found in fields and meadows. To cook puffball mushrooms, first cut off the stem and discard it. Cut the …

How To Cook A Raccoon


Raccoons are a common sight in the United States and can be found in many different habitats. Raccoons are omnivorous and will eat a variety of different things, including insects, fruits, vegetables, and small animals. If you happen to catch a raccoon, you may be wondering what the best way to cook it is. There …

Cooking Lunar New Year


The Lunar New Year is a time-honored tradition celebrated by people all over the world. Each country has its own unique way of celebrating, but one common denominator is food! Here in the United States, many people celebrate by cooking traditional Lunar New Year dishes. A big part of the Lunar New Year celebration is …

Cooking Giant Puffball Mushroom


The giant puffball mushroom is a large, round, white mushroom that can grow up to 12 inches in diameter. It is a wild mushroom that can be found in fields and meadows during late summer and early fall. The giant puffball is a delicious and nutritious mushroom that can be cooked in a variety of …

How To Cook Rattlesnake


Rattlesnake is a type of snake that is found in North America. It is a venomous snake and can be dangerous if not handled properly. However, if cooked properly, rattlesnake can be a tasty and healthy meal. There are a few different ways to cook rattlesnake. One way is to fry it. To fry rattlesnake, …

How To Cook Rattlesnake


Rattlesnake is a type of snake that is found in North America. It is a venomous snake and can be dangerous if not handled properly. However, if cooked properly, rattlesnake can be a tasty and healthy meal. There are a few different ways to cook rattlesnake. One way is to fry it. To fry rattlesnake, …